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I got to floor 24(the game broke after that), and i played once. I found o pretty op strategy - get the positive switch aroo skill, and optionally the double dice skill. Then, spam increase the body stat until you have ludicrous amounts of health.

Yes, you've found it. That is the one true winning strategy, as the player's growth will be mathematically faster than the enemy, so the player will be able to continue indefinitely. We only discovered this after the jam ended so couldn't patch it XD

same here

the concept and theming is so 

Played 3 times, best score at floor 33th! Hehe


yo what a fun concept! really feels like it has some beyond jam potential; maybe give players just a few more things to scale in(and maybe even out)side the battle but it honestly already feels like a complete game✨🤖

great contender for top20

That was indeed in our original design during brainstorming phase. The obvious limitation was the time; but glad to know that you've enjoyed it!

would be epic to see this develop into a full game
10/10; would scale

MY GOD! How did you manage to make a fully fleshed out game in 4 days i have no idea, but this is one of the best ones i've played so far:


MEGA creative, scaling your and your enemies body parts to change stats is not something i was expecting, and the combat is very interesting and the game very balanced, i myself made it to floor 10 before dying. The perks are on point as well. Maybe i missed something, but is there any point in attacking anything other than the body? I really like this one. Sometimes the body parts got small enough they were unclickable but that's a minor issue.


This is very well made and both the art and UI reflect that, everything was clear and understandable and the art was very fun and fitting. I loved the character design and perk icons. Very good artstyle and everything fits together.

Sound design:

A game with full sound design? That's very impressive and rare. The music fits the game and sound great. The game could use a sound slider though. The sounds were on point and fit the game well


Overall.. HOLY you managed to drop a full experience with no noticable flaws, and you should be SUPER proud of yourselves



Wow, great feedback. Thanks for taking the time to do that!

To answer a couple of your questions:

- Bodyparts, when destroyed, will deal 20% of the Body's health directly. Whether it is a useful is fully dependent on the situation, but I'd imagine there are times when that's useful.

- Bodyparts become small to be unclickable is sort of intended. Though if you're talking about the game having pixel perfect collision, then yeah that's one thing we're definitely missing. But we purposely hide some of the weaker parts behind shields so it's harder to deal direct damage without the dice.

Glad you enjoyed our game, appreciate the feedback!

面白い!サイコロが自動的に一時停止するようになればいいのに、いつもクリックするのを忘れます O.O

The idea of slowing down dice shuffle speed is fascinating! Also creating a bunch of creatures by changing the scale of body parts is so fun :) Great game! Hope to see more bosses in the future!

Love the concept! Great interpretation of the theme :-)

Thanks for playing, hopefully you've enjoyed it! :)